What I Learned About Priorities From The First Day Back To School

Do you miss out on some of life’s significant moments because you prioritize other things instead? Whether you’re late for family celebrations, get distracted by social media, or can’t find the time to visit good friends, we’ve all missed out on meaningful moments because we’re focusing on something else.

If you’re like me, you have a lot on your plate and try to accomplish as much you can. But what happens when your priorities become more about getting things done, and less about experiencing the moment?

I asked myself that question on the first day of school last September and was dismayed by what I found.

Living in the moment.

I love to make a big deal over milestones and special occasions. I decorate the house, bake sweet treats, draw signs, and take photographs to celebrate life’s significant moments. From holidays and birthdays to losing a tooth and reaching a goal, I strive to make enjoying the moment a priority.

I forgot to do that.

The thing is, last September when my youngest son was starting Grade One, I forgot to do that. While preparing for the new school year, I lost my focus, and instead of making his transition from kindergarten to primary a special event, I made checking off my to-do list the priority. I got lost in organizing backpacks, lunch boxes, and running shoes and completely forgot to take photos, didn’t drive him to school, and wasn’t there to share that time with him. Instead, I sent him to school on the bus…and I missed the moment.

We have busy lives.

Like many women, I have a busy life. As a working woman, wife, and mother, I’m continually sorting through tasks in my mind, writing lists, and filling in the calendar to keep track of what needs to get done.

The problem is that, while we strive to complete all the tasks that seem to come with our roles as women, we can lose sight of the things that really matter. We swap being fully present in the moment for feelings of accomplishment. We forget to prioritize the experiences that are often important to us.

That’s what I did on the first day back to school last year. By focusing on the back-to-school list, I forgot to make the first day of Grade One special.

Focus on significance.

I’m not saying that you have to let go of everything that needs be done and be fully present for every important moment. That’s an expectation that none of us needs to add to our to-do list. But what I do mean is that when you make the significance of a moment your priority, you can experience the times that matter to you in a way that feels fulfilling and meaningful.

It’s a year later, and the kids are heading back to school again today. I have the same preparation list as last year, but this time I’ve chosen to accomplish a few things and postpone others. I’m making a special breakfast, driving the kids to school, and taking lots of photographs. Because one thing I’ve learned from missing my son’s first day of Grade One is that, this time, experiencing this moment is my top priority.

Let me know what you think.

Do you make the significant moments your priority? I’d love to hear how. Share your thoughts in the comments below.

You’re wonderful!