Yesterday was a beautiful October day here in southern Ontario. The sun was shining, the air was crisp, and the sky was a clear, cloudless blue. It was my favourite kind of autumn day. And I almost didn’t notice it. That’s because I spent the morning inside the house tackling chores that needed to be […]
Do you feel like you’re always busy? Maybe you have a never-ending “to-do” list that leaves you feeling overextended and exhausted. Do you sometimes wish you could put everything on hold to take a day off and do nothing? I get it! That’s a place I find myself in more often than I’d like. Whether […]
When you hear the term “midlife,” what comes to mind? Menopause and weight gain? Wrinkles and retirement? You’re not alone. If we listen to society, midlife means we should be winding down and wrapping things up. We’ve fulfilled our roles, achieved our goals, and should be ready to slow down, rest, and retire. It doesn’t […]
Do you miss out on some of life’s significant moments because you prioritize other things instead? Whether you’re late for family celebrations, get distracted by social media, or can’t find the time to visit good friends, we’ve all missed out on meaningful moments because we’re focusing on something else. If you’re like me, you have […]
Do you ever wonder how you’re going to fit it all in? Or how you’ll find time for yourself when there are so many other things to do? I hear you! That’s how I’m feeling this summer. From organizing kids’ camp schedules and family holiday plans to prepping food and packing suitcases, making time to […]
Do you sometimes feel like your experiences don’t live up to your expectations? Whether you’re disappointed in your meal at a restaurant, you feel discouraged when your holiday doesn’t go as planned, or get frustrated when your renovations get delayed – we’ve all felt that way. If you’re like me, you often plan ahead and […]
Picture this: You’re enjoying a quiet summer morning by the lake when shouts and cheers suddenly break the silence, and countless women go cycling by. That’s what I experienced this morning while on holiday with my family. Turns out, it was the annual Kincardine Women’s Triathlon taking place along the shores of Lake Huron. I […]
Summer and reading go together. Whether you’re relaxing poolside, lakeside, at the park, or in the backyard, a great book seems to make the warm, lazy days even better. Books are my constant companions and continually influence my life. They point me in the right direction when I feel lost, give me strength when I […]
Do you sometimes feel like you don’t have the wisdom to handle the crisis you’re facing? Whether you’re reaching the end of a significant relationship, changing jobs, or dealing with a health challenge, we’ve all been there. If you’re like me, you turn to friends, family, professionals, and Google for wisdom and guidance. But what […]
Does negativity stop you from receiving unexpected gifts? I asked myself that question while walking home from the park today with my dog. You see, I didn’t want my dog at first. However, every morning we spend time together in the park where I take time to breathe, set my goals for the day, and […]